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Search engine optimization (SEO) helps produce an increase in quality and quantity of web traffic to your site through organic search engine results. How do you do this? One way is to develop a blog to generate a large amount of relevant content for your business. It may seem easy at first, but after that first push of blog ideas, it’s likely that one might exhausted quickly.

Many businesses like to produce between 2 and 14 blogs per month, which can also be poured into things like newsletters and email blasts, and it’s easy to get to a point where you’re running out of ideas for blog titles. There are a few points to consider while you’re in idea mode:

What Makes a Good Blog Title?

Whether you’re blogging to push SEO as part of a marketing strategy or you’re simply producing content to bulk up your site, a good title is at the heart of a good blog post. A good blog title generally has the following:

  • An answer to a common or valuable question
  • A focus on the target audience’s search intent
  • An organic topic that’s worth blogging about

While there are blog title generators out there, they may skew towards clickbait, which increases page visits but often has a high bounce rate and a lower-than-average time on page. Quality blogs will encourage better metrics overall.

Monitor Trends

Dig deep into what your customers are looking for. Try and find the questions they are searching for and take that one step further. Are your customers focused on price? Quality? Ease of use?

Read Often

It may sound simple, but reading regularly provides an infinite source of inspiration. The more you read, the more new ideas you’re exposed to, leading to new ideas for your blog. Plus, reading up on what’s related to your business keeps your finger on the pulse of your industry.

Take Notes

Find a system that works for your team and use a communal note-taking system. When ideas come up, write them down and have it accessible to your whole marketing team so that everyone can contribute to the evolution of the ideas. Ideas get better, and sometimes they change entirely.

Communicate with Your Customers

When it comes to customer development, you should be communicating with your customers regularly. Discover what questions they have, what challenges they may have, and what problems have arose. Not only do you develop the opportunity to solve problems, but this is a rich source of content.

For businesses in San Diego, generating quality SEO content may seem like a burden, but it doesn’t have to be. With an open ear to your customers and another on the industry at large, you won’t be short of ideas going forward.