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Use SEO to Help Enhance Your Sales

When consulting with an SEO company, San Diego businesses will often ask what it takes to use SEO to improve their sales. The good news is that this is not only possible, but it is actually quite easy. You just need to know the tactics that work and what it takes to put them into practice. This will help to ensure that you are getting the most out of the time that you spend ensuring that your website has excellent SEO.

Ensure That SEO is a Priority

If you have had an ecommerce website for long enough, you already understand the importance of a solid SEO strategy. Whenever you update your website, you must do so in a way that incorporates SEO so that you are giving the search engines what they are looking for. What is important is that you know how to properly use SEO and that you are not doing anything that could anger the search engine gods, such as keyword stuffing or purchasing links.

Search for Commercial Intent Keywords

You are a commercial business, so it only makes sense that the keywords that you utilize will follow this same theme. Think about what people might search for to find the services or products that you have to offer. Think about the modifiers that they might use to narrow down the search results. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • Cheap
  • Best
  • Discount
  • Buy
  • Buy online
  • Brand name
  • Buy + location

When you can add these, and do so in a way that is honest and genuine, you are helping to better narrow the focus. However, at the same time, you are still ensuring a broad keyword selection so that you are able to appeal to the searches performed by a variety of people with varying needs.

Consider Long Tail Keywords

These are keywords that are more than just two to three words long. They make it possible to include those modifiers, but you will get to do so in a way that does not make them feel forced. For example, instead of just “green food processor” if you have a brand name, you would insert that at the beginning and then if it is on sale, utilize the word discount or cheap. Example: “brand name green food processor cheap.”

Use this information to make sure that you are making the best sales possible. You can have an SEO company in San Diego take a look at your site and do an audit of the SEO. They will be able to tell you what you are doing right and which tweaks need to be made for optimal success.